Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bear One Another's Burdens

The tears started on the way to church. I thought I should just turn around and go back home. I didn’t want to make a scene, but something told me “Go.”

By the time I pulled up to the building, I felt I had things under control. I dabbed my eyes with tissue one more time, put a smile on my face, and went inside and made small talk with a couple of people. Then our pastor’s wife called me to her side and asked me “the question” that brought about a fresh torrent of tears. She put her arms around me and waved aside our worship leader who was waiting for me to come up and “do my thing” as part of the worship team.

When the music started, I moved to the back of the room where I wouldn’t be so noticeable. As we sang one beautiful song after another, I tried to practice what I preach about praising God in the midst of trials to overcome feelings of anxiety, despair or anything else. Time after time, my sadness would begin to lift but then descend upon me again.

I guess the Lord knew I needed help, because when the music was done, I heard our pastor instructing everyone to lay hands on me while he prayed.

So much for not making a scene . . .

And then the most amazing thing happened. I was suddenly surrounded by loving concern and compassion. I felt a rush of calming warmth go through my body within seconds after my brothers and sisters in Christ laid their hands on me. As Pastor prayed I felt as if piece by piece my burden was being lifted from me and placed on each of them -- each would carry just a small portion for me.

I was completely set free from my sorrow that morning. I’ve never experienced anything like it. When I shared with a friend what it was like, she said, “While we were praying, I found myself asking God to give me some of your pain so it wouldn't be so hard on you.” Don’t you suppose the Holy Spirit told her to pray that? That’s exactly what happened!

God has been teaching me about why the church is so important. Little by little I’ve been learning, but this experience taught me something I could never have learned from a book or a sermon. This is the church in action. This is the Spirit of Christ at work in us. This is just one example of how we as His body carry out His work on Earth.

Some people say they don’t need the church, but if you need God, you need the church. The Spirit of the Living God lives in each of your brothers and sisters in Christ, and each one of them has the unique potential to minister to your needs through His Spirit. I hope you will invest yourself in a church where God's people will meet your needs while you do the same for them.

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2).

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