Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hangin' with the kids

As I write this column Sunday evening, I’m very tired. My kids were around this weekend, and I let them keep me up far too late. Even though I knew I’d suffer for it the next day, I couldn’t pull myself away from them as long as they wanted (or were willing) to spend time with me. I love to hear their stories, whether they’re reminiscing about their childhoods or filling me in on what they’re doing now. Even if we’re only watching a movie together, I love being in the same room with them, having them near by.

I would feel bad if my children came to see me only out of a sense of obligation. I hope that they want to spend time with me.

If I as an earthly parent delight that much in my children’s company, imagine how much our perfect heavenly father delights to spend time with us.

This is a point I think most of us tend to forget. We think of our “obligations” as Christians: I should go to church; I should pray; I should read my Bible, and so forth. We forget that God is our Father, and He very much wants to spend time with us. (1 John 3:1a; “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!”)

The God of the Universe has brought us into an intimate, parent-child relationship with Himself! Perhaps because it’s such an immense thing to grasp, we’re always losing sight of it and need to be reminded.

As children we learned “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so” – a simple yet profound truth that we tend to forget as adults.

Let’s be sure to nurture that relationship with our heavenly Father, because it is the most fulfilling bond we’ll ever experience.

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