Thursday, December 11, 2008

Stop the World!

I told God I wanted one more day a week, and I figured since He’s so very fond of me I should get it (just kidding). I know He made the whole world in six days and had time left over to rest on the seventh, but I can’t even accomplish what I need to in seven days much less six. It’s frustrating, and I keep saying, “It won’t be this way forever. Someday I will cut back.”

I recently heard that the world will end in 2012—it has to do with the end of the Mayan calendar or something like that. I don’t know; I wasn’t paying attention to the details, because I got so excited at the prospect!

Remember the song “Stop the World and Let Me Off”? Yeah, I feel that way sometimes.
The world may or may not end in 2012—I guess we’ve had these predictions before—but I can’t stop thinking about what I would do differently if I truly, truly believed that we had less than four years on this earth. Would I continue to work so frantically?

Sadly, I may never accomplish all that I possibly could in this life.

But maybe life’s not meant to be a to-do list. Micah 6:8 expresses God’s expectation for us:

He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?

Once again I’m reminded that God’s ways are not my ways. Maybe He’s telling me, “Relax, would ya? I love you, and we’re going to spend eternity together. For that reason I’m far more concerned with your character than your accomplishments.”
And in that light, I’ll keep plugging away, doing what I have to do but being ever mindful that it’s my heart God cares most about.

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